"Route 66"
The official homepage of
Lon Christopher Teter's
1966 Chevrolet Pick-Up Truck

Starting with the most recent entry, here is our guestbook!
Name: Andrew Bishop
Where are you from: Lindsborg, Kansas
Comments: Nice Lon, real nice. But... try as they might, no Teter vehicle will ever be... THE BISH-MO-PIMP.
 August 14, 2001 08:07:59 (GMT Time)

Name: Chris McLean
Where are you from: Manhattan, Kansas
Comments: She's a beauty. Sad to see the old Fury go, but the memories will always remain.
 August 14, 2001 03:26:28 (GMT Time)

Name: Dad
Comments: Gorgeous truck. Be sure to constantly monitor the oil, coolant and fuel pump. I speak from experience. Luke, I am your father.
 August 13, 2001 20:01:17 (GMT Time)

Name: Lara
Where are you from: here at your house! :o)
Comments: Hello my dear, I looked at your webpage. Don't gripe at me! heehee.
 August 13, 2001 17:30:28 (GMT Time)

Name: Rita
Where are you from: Wichita, Kansas
Comments: Love the green/white color scheme idea for the new truck paint.Also think the guy in the carseat is a future hunk and a half.
 August 13, 2001 15:55:29 (GMT Time)

Name: Larry Fish
Comments: One of my earliest recollections of your father is helping him jump his brown 67(?) pickup in the parking lot of the SedgCo Courthouse.
 August 13, 2001 14:30:24 (GMT Time)

This website and all contents are (c) 2001 by Lon Christopher Teter
All Rights Reserved